kids bikes

Buying a kids bike

Here at Cycle Sprog we're here to help you find the perfect bike for your child.

We don't sell bikes ourselves - we independently review and recommend bikes (and we do sometimes get a commission if you buy which allows us to keep doing this!).

We only feature quality kids bikes that will last several children, which we've either ridden ourselves or which have been recommended to us by other keen cycling parents.

Our various articles on the best kids bikes for different ages  will help you decide which bikes you should be considering for your child and your budget - plus where to buy your final choice from.

We'll also help you through the process of deciding whether to buy a bike (either new or second-hand) or lease one.

Take a moment to GRAB YOUR FREE KIDS BIKE BUYING CHECKLIST which will help you record all the information you need to find the perfect bike for your child. 


AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE:   When you buy through links on our page we may get a small commission if the retailer has an affiliate scheme. You can find out how this works in our affiliate policy. Thanks for supporting us in this way! 

What type of bike are you looking for?

If you already know what type of bike you’re looking for, you can go straight to our recommendations for each type of bike:

The best kids bikes for all ages

Kids bikes are sold according to their wheel size (in inches).  Small starter bikes (12″ to 18″ tend to come without gears) and 20″ wheels and over you can add in gears to make getting up hills easier.

If you’re not sure what type of geared bike you’re looking for, then we always recommend a good quality hybrid bike.

We’ve selected the best kids bikes in each size to help you find that perfect bike.  We’ve included new, secondhand and lease options so all budgets are covered.

Not found what you’re looking for?

If you’ve not found the perfect bike just yet, then here’s all our bike related articles for you to browse through:

Small Business Saturday - support your local bike store

Why you should support your local bike shop

It’s Local Bike Shop Day 2023!

Read more about Why you should support your local bike shop
Shotgun Jerseys for kids

Kids mountain bike news from the 2023 Cycle Show

Cycle Sprog’s round up of the biking news from the 2023 Cycle Show, including new bike launches and cycle gift ideas!

Read more about Kids mountain bike news from the 2023 Cycle Show
Woom NOW 5 kids urban bike - the review bike Cycle Sprog were sent to test side on on a patch of grass

Woom NOW 5 kids bike review

Full review of the woom NOW 5 hybrid kids bike, including rider review, price, bike details, finishing touches and more!

Read more about Woom NOW 5 kids bike review
Kids Ride Shotgun balance bike mountain biking trails

Off road balance bike launched by Kids Ride Shotgun

Kids Ride Shotgun launch off-road balance bike for 2-5 year olds.

Read more about Off road balance bike launched by Kids Ride Shotgun
How do I know if my child's bike is the right size for them?

Is my kid’s bike the right size for them?

Knowing what size bike your child should have is sometimes difficult, but having the right sized bike is essential for many reasons.

Read more about Is my kid’s bike the right size for them?
Woom 1 Plus balance bike with 14" wheels for taller children

Big balance bikes for taller children

For taller children who have outgrown a standard 12″ wheel balance bike, there’s a number of larger balance bikes available

Read more about Big balance bikes for taller children