
How to teach an autistic child to ride a bike: A young boy on a Kidvelo balance bike on a leafy suburb street. His dad is lifting the front of the bike to simulate a wheelie, and his brother is walking alongside him and holding a football

How to teach an autistic or neurodivergent child to ride a bike

Cycling not only gets the kids outside, but helps build their confidence and independence, and helps them burn off some energy while having fun. But not all children are the same. If you or someone you know has a child who is autistic or neurodivergent, then teaching them to ride a bike — something that…

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two children putting pedals on their bike with their dad

Is your child ready to learn to ride a pedal bike?

Fill in the survey to find out if it’s the right time for your child to start learning to ride a bike.

Read more about Is your child ready to learn to ride a pedal bike?
Girls riding on stabiliser bikes

Does my child need stabilisers?

Stabilisers used to be the way kids learnt to ride a bike – but it’s not usually the best way. Find out why….

Read more about Does my child need stabilisers?
Boy wearing white cycling helmet not wanting to ride his bike

Help! Why doesn’t my child want to ride their bike?

It can be very frustrating if your child doesn’t seem to enjoy riding their bike (especially if you’ve just bought them a new one!). I’m often asked by parents what they can do to get their child cycling more, so in this article, I’m going to be exploring some of the main reasons children don’t…

Read more about Help! Why doesn’t my child want to ride their bike?
little boy learning to ride a bike and an adult in a purple jacket is running along behind

5 questions YOU should answer before teaching your child to ride a bike

Cycle Sprog is here to help make the process of teaching your child to ride a bike as easy as possible. But before you even start thinking about whether it’s time to teach your child to ride a bike, here are a few things to think about first.

Read more about 5 questions YOU should answer before teaching your child to ride a bike
boy in a yellow jacket learning to ride a bike with an adults help

Avoid these mistakes when teaching your child to ride their bike

Is there a best age to teach a child to ride a bike? It’s certainly never too late, but they can be too young

Read more about Avoid these mistakes when teaching your child to ride their bike