Phantom Ride LED balance bike goes on sale in UK

Last week we brought you the news that a new light up balance bike, had come to the UK.   The Phantom Ride balance bike bike uses LED lights inside a polycarbonate frame, which means that the entire balance bike becomes illuminated once light levels start to fade.  This mixture of fun and safety really appealed to our readers, who asked us where they could buy one, and when the adult version is coming out!


Well, I was slightly premature with the news, as the light up balance bikes were still actually on the way to our shores at the time I wrote the post. However, the Phantom Ride balance bikes have now arrived in the UK, and should be at a local bike store near you. They are also available for sale on-line via Leisure Lakes Bikes,  Ebay and Amazon, although I do think that once word gets out there won’t be many left.

Phantom Ride - a light up balance bike

Our post from last week explains more about how the Phantom Ride balance bike was designed.

How does the Phantom Ride balance bike light up?

The frame of the balance bike has two inserts that provide the LED illumination – your toddler can obviously use the bike without these to preserve battery life.  The LED inserts take 3 AAA batteries each (not included), so you’ll need 6 AAA batteries to provide full illumination.

Phantom Ride balance bike lights up with the use of LED's

Is the Phantom Ride Balance Bike any good?

We haven’t been able to review the Phantom yet, but this review from TwoWheelingTots in the US gives the bike a thumbs up as being robust and highly visible, although there’s a warning for smaller riders as the seat knob apparently sticks out a little way when in the lowest position.

As you’d expect, the Phantom isn’t built for serious race/off road use, but would be a good choice for anyone looking to keep their kids visible while balance biking during the winter months.  Plus it gets top marks for being one of the coolest balance bikes around!!

Where to buy the Phantom Ride Balance Bike

The Phantom Ride Balance Bike costs £140 and comes in two colours – blue or red – and each colour is available in either plain or glitter options.

It’s available to purchase from some of the local bike shops supplied by Today’s Cyclist (click this link to find your nearest shop – it’s worth a call first to see if they’ve ordered any in).  The Phantom Ride balance bike is also available online at Leisure Lakes Bikes,  Ebay and Amazon.

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