
The daily school run by bike and tagalong – a new era dawns

Every day, come rain or shine we do the daily commute to school by bike, heading up the hill to N’s school on two wheels. Well, truth be told three wheels actually, as 6 year old N sits astride his tagalong with flag bobbing around in the wind. Four year old T meanwhile, has pride…

Review of Limar Kids Cycle Helmet (50-56cm)

When the Limar kids cycle helmet arrived through the post for review in time for our Easter cycling trip there was a lot of excitement in our house.  The bike helmet, which is size medium (50-56cm) was for Lucy, my 4 year old daughter – although her 7 year old sister, Emily, was looking rather…

Look at me by Roderick Hunt childrens cycling book

Sprog Blog book review: Look at me by Roderick Hunt

Here it is – Cycle Sprog’s first book review – by 4 year old T

Kathryn and Liz cycling in Holland with families

Cake, castles and contractions on our Dutch family cycling holiday

In the final blog about her family cycling holiday to Holland, Liz turns 40 and Ian impresses with Champagne!

Tagalong bike

What’s hot in family cycling this month – May 2013

AT LAST!!! It finally seems as if winter may be behind us, and spring truly here! So what’s happening in family cycling this month? Petitioning government for better family cycling Wouldn’t it be wonderful if there were safe routes for our families to cycle everyday? Suddenly cycling has risen up the political agenda, following the…

Thule roof mounted FreeRide bike carrier

Q&A: Help! I need a bike carrier for a VW Touran

Today’s request for help has come from Sarah, a mum of two from London, who needs a bike carrier for a VW Touran.  Sarah tells us: “We’re going away in Wales with two kids (aged 4 & 1) and our dog in our VW Touran. We want to bring our bikes: hubby’s is a standard…