
Islabikes Beinn 27 review

Review of the Islabikes Beinn 27

The Islabikes Beinn 27 is a kids bike with a difference. It’s the first of the quality kids hybrid bikes to be fitted with 27.5″ wheels, providing young riders with the benefits of faster and easier riding (especially over bumpy ground) that comes from a bike fitted with this larger wheel size – up until…

British Cycling One in a Million campaign

Cycling with kids can make you feel like one in a million

Cycling with kids can make you feel like one in million – for two different reasons

Wild 18 is a great bike for a 5 year old boy or girl who isnt quite ready to move onto a geared bike but has outgrown their single speed smaller bike

Wild Bikes! Our readers take on the challenge to find out more!

Some of our readers have been checking out the new bike range from Go Outdoors

Islabikes Icons road bike for older people aged 65 and over

What does the new Icons range mean for the future of Islabikes?

We take a look at what the future holds for one of the UK’s most popular bike brands

Islabikes Icons range of bikes for older riders aged 65 and over

Islabikes launch new Icons bike range for the over 65’s

Islabikes have launched a new range of bikes, designed for the over 65’s

Mount Fuji, Japan

Our dream cycling holiday itinerary to Japan

This time of year my thoughts start turning to all the adventures we’re going to enjoy as a family during the next 12 months. It’s great to be snuggled up warm inside, thinking about sunnier days and exploring far flung (or not so far flung!) destinations with the Sprogs.  Our summer holiday is always one…