It’s the first day of spring and we’re self isolating

Well, it’s been a long and difficult winter and I’d been SO looking forward to spring finally arriving. And here it is at long last – today is the first day of astronomical spring. The day I’d intended to be sharing with you all my thoughts on how to start planning for springtime and a summer filled with family bike rides and Cycle Sprog adventures, especially after such a miserable winter of rain, floods, winds.

And, as if on cue, the sun is FINALLY shining and the sky is blue – the perfect day for getting out for a bike ride. We’ve had it grey up here in Cumbria for so many months it’s wonderful to think that the long winter is finally over.

Coronavirus self isolation cycling blogCoronavirus self isolation cycling blog

But, sadly my view of the sky is somewhat limited, and I’m certainly not going out on my bike. The Cycle Sprog house is in self-isolation as I started exhibiting all the main symptoms of coronavirus a week ago. Chris and the eldest Sprog also now have them. Any thoughts of getting out on two wheels at the moment are totally non-existent.

Whilst I’m hopefully now over the worst and back working (from home obviously) the cough and the breathlessness mean there’s no way I could ride my bike. I’m struggling just going up and down the stairs at the moment. The others are all a bit behind me, but thankfully we’ve not had any complications. We usually walk or cycle everywhere locally, so have a good underlying level of fitness.

It would be easy to be depressed today, but, it’s hard not to be amazed at the way nature just keeps carrying on, whilst all around things are changing. The trees I can see from our window are coming into leaf. The birds are coming back and sitting on the phone wires.

Last night at dusk I popped out of the house (adhering to government guidelines that you can go outside to exercise whilst self-isolating so long as you don’t come within 2 metres of anyone). Thankfully, living where we do, on the edge of a Cumbrian hillside, this is quite easy to do. Just seeing the daffodils by the side of the path reminded me of why this is my favourite time of year.

Daffodils at dusk during the coronavirus self isolation

I’m incredibly grateful that I’m able to get this view within a couple of minutes walk from my back door. I know so many people aren’t this fortunate. And I know so many are on the frontline, fighting this unseen threat – something we will never be able to repay.

Self Isolation in Cumbria

However thankful I am for our circumstances, I’m not going to lie and say it doesn’t hurt that I don’t know whether we’re going to be well enough to get out and about to enjoy the spring this year. It’s also scary to not know that if we do recover quickly enough whether we’ll even be allowed to go outside and appreciate it.

So, my ask of you today is that if you’re still able to get out and about, please savour every moment. Stop and admire the spring blossom, the beautiful bulbs, the sky, the clouds, the fresh air on your face, the spring air in your lungs. Take that additional detour, and make the most of being outside.

If you can, don’t forget to share your photos with us on Instagram (either use #CycleSprog or tag us @CycleSprog) or share them on our Facebook page. We’ll reshare so those who are self-isolating don’t miss out on the beauty of this time of the year.

Keep safe


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