pregnancy and baby

Can you cycle whilst breastfeeding?

Cycling while breastfeeding

It’s World Breastfeeding Week, so here is our guide to getting out and about on two wheels if you’re feeding

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Hannah Reynolds - back out on her bike after having a baby

Getting back into the saddle as a new mum

It’s easy to plan to start cycling again when you’ve had your baby – it’s another thing making it happen, as new mum Hannah Reynolds discovers

Read more about Getting back into the saddle as a new mum
pregnant woman standing next to her red bike

Is it safe to cycle while pregnant?

New advice from the UK Medical Officers is clear on the benefits of cycling whilst pregnant

Read more about Is it safe to cycle while pregnant?
Is it safe to cycle when pregnant?

Should I carry on cycling during pregnancy? Let’s ask the experts!

Thinking about cycling during your pregnancy? Find out how other mums-to-be got on

Read more about Should I carry on cycling during pregnancy? Let’s ask the experts!

Cycling whilst pregnant: a mum’s story and top tips

Top tips for cycling with a bump, from mum Dawn, who cycled up until the 39th week of her pregnancy

Read more about Cycling whilst pregnant: a mum’s story and top tips