Was “enjoy more family cycle rides” one of your new years resolutions?

Was ” enjoy more family cycle rides” one of your new years resolutions? It was for me, and for so many good reasons – health, wealth and happiness being just three.

With the first full week of January having just flown past, the Christmas and New Year celebrations already seem an age away. The school, preschool and work routines have re-established themselves, and life is back to normal now.

My family cycle ride blog went live on the British Cycling Breeze Network site!!!Sometimes it’s hard to even remember what all those well intentioned new years resolutions were – let alone keep them!

To help you (and me!) remember why cycling with the kids is great for so many reasons, I’ve written a blog over on British Cycling’s Breeze Network blog.  I do hope you’ll take the time to go and read it, and then to let me know how your first family cycle ride of 2013 went.

(Yes – you did read right – British – Cycling – Breeze – Network – it’s not quite sunk in for me yet…… )

Dreaming of those summer family cycle rides

Back down to earth again, it’s been a busy week. In preparation for the hard graft of the term ahead, Chris has expertly serviced the bike and tagalong.  The regular ride to school and preschool has been a mix of gorgeous spring like weather followed by freezing conditions again. That will teach me not to get excited about summer coming early!

I’d been eagerly looking forward to all those family cycle rides we’ll be doing, so the return of winter was a definite reality check mid week.  So glad I got out on such a lovely ride with T last weekend while the weather was still warm.

If you’re wrapping the kids up warm this weekend and heading out on a family cycle ride, have a great time!

If you’re not quite ready to get out on the bikes yet, I’ve come across a great site that is taking the nation by storm. She Moves http://www.wsff.org.uk/shemoves/home is all about helping women to get more active, so if you’re a mum, and not quite ready to keep up with the kids yet, check them out.  Summer’s on the way, and it would be a shame to miss out on all those family cycle rides.


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