It’s Parents in Sport Week

This week (3rd to  October 2016) is Parents in Sport Week. Run by the NSPCC, the aim of the week is to help parents understand how they can support their children to enjoy sport of all kinds, without becoming a “pushy” parent or  falling out with coaches and officials.  British Cycling is supporting this initiative.  They have produced some materials for anyone involved in running cycling events for youngsters, such as this poster.


NSPCC have produced a thought provoking film which takes a look at parental attitudes from the point of view of the child. Called “My Magic Sports Kit” it shows the pressure some parents put their children under when they compete.  It’s worth a look if your child is taking part in cycle races (or any other form of competitive sport).

The NSPCC are holding a Webinar about Positive Parenting in Sport on  Friday 7th at 11am for parents and coaches wishing to know more about becoming a positive role model for children.


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