10 things to do with the kids at the 2016 London Bike Show

If you’re going on a family outing to the 2016 London Bike Show at the Excel Centre this weekend, here’s the Cycle Sprog list of top 10 things to do whilst you’re there.   The Bike Show itself may get a little bit tedious for youngsters, who only have a certain level of tolerance for looking at high end men’s road bikes and expensive components, which make up a large proportion of the show. Thankfully, your entry ticket to the London Bike Show 2016 also lets you into three other shows – the Triathlon Show, the Outdoor Show and the Dive Show, so there is plenty to keep little ones occupied.

10: Go hunting for the bike with the biggest chain wheel

We think it’s this one!Massive Chainwheel (3)


9: Watch some cycling

There’s plenty of inspiration for budding cyclists, with high flying displays from world class stunt riders and pro-demo races. On the Saturday from 12-3pm there is a junior series taking place on the Street Velodrome.   There’s also plenty of chances for the public to have a go, which could be equally entertaining!

8: Go in a lorry and meet a police officer (at the same time!)

The Metropolitan Police and CLOCS (Construction Logistics and Cyclist Safety) have an area at the 2016 London Bike Show where you can learn about the modifications being made to HGV’s to try and make them safer for cyclists (although of course the only truly safe solution is to segregate cyclists from HGV’s).  You can sit in a lorry to understand how difficult it is for a driver to see cyclists, as well as see a prototype lorry with bus-like windows and doors – a very educational and sobering experience.

Prototype cyclist friendly lorry


7: Go scavenging for snacks

There are plenty of stands across all four shows giving away freebie food – possibly the best for little ones are those with honey waffles, flapjacks, cookies, cranberries and cheese. Be careful of the stands with what look like jelly sweets but are loaded with caffeine   There’s also one type of sweet snack that you can’t eat  – we think the kids will be pestering you for one of these cycling tops in Jelly Bean, Love Hearts, Drumsticks or Refreshers branding.Sweet cycling jerseys


6: Ride a bike

No visit to the 2016 London Bike Show is complete without a bike ride. Thankfully both Hoy Bikes and Islabikes have models ranging from balance bikes upwards for taking for a test spin

islabike test bikes


5: Go camping

There are tents of all shapes and sizes at the Outdoor show – should keep them entertained for a while

4: Take a history lesson in kids bike design

Islabikes are celebrating 10 years, and have a display of all three of their Cnoc 16 Islabike models, The first, released in 2006, looks quite dated now, with it’s single brake, and you can compare the styling with the 2010  model, and then the new models with the new style Islabike branding.

Original 2006 Islabike Cnoc


3: Pretend to be Dutch

As there aren’t many kids bikes on show at this year’s London Bike Show, you’re more likely to come across a cargo bike – reflecting an increasing popularity of this type of bike within London.  You can test ride a Bakfiets, a Boxer or a Babboe – any letter, as long as it’s a “B”Babboe


2: Go Whale Watching

In the Triathlon Show there is a brilliant exhibit full of life size models of whales. Random, but could well be an oasis of calm just as nerves are getting frayed!  When you’ve done that, head to the Dive Show and watch humans dressed in neoprene swimming around the two purpose built pools.



1:   Blast Off! Go for a ride in a rocket

In our opinion, the coolest bike by far the at the 2016 London Bike Show. Who needs Cannondale or Pinarello when you can have your own rocket? The queue to test these UK designed and built rocket styled cargo bikes from Boxer Cycles, with reclining leather seats, was one of the longest during the Trade Day on Thursday – it’s worth the wait though!

Boxer Cycles Rocket


When you’ve done all the above, you can always go outside and get some fresh air, have  a run around, marvel at the floating hotel, and learn something about the history of the docklands.

The 2016 London Bike Show runs from Thursday 11th February to Sunday 14th February at London’s Excel Arena.  Bike parking is available – there is a left luggage area (£1 per item) plus baby changing facilities and a wide range of food outlets.

For more information visit www.thelondonbikeshow.co.uk

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