Frog Track 67

Frog Track 67

The Frog Track 67 is a 24″ wheel Track Bike for children who are racing on a grass track or at the velodrome.  The minimum inside leg measurement is 67cm, so this is likely to be between about 8 and 10 years old.

Frog say that the aerodynamic tear drop tubes combined with track specific geometry minimise drag result in a light, stiff and responsive bike.

The bike is also equipped with short-drop handlebars supplied with cushioned bar tape, patented short Frog cranks for powerful pedalling (127mm), Kenda track tyres plus flip flop hubs for both fixed and free-wheel use.

IMPORTANT:   The Frog Track 67 is designed for TRACK use only and is not supplied with brakes, a bell or reflectors. In the UK this bike is NOT road legal.

On their website Frog Bikes warn that adapting this bike for road use is entirely at the owners risk. The owner is entirely responsible for complying with their local laws and ensuring that the bike is safe to use and used safely.

A front brake kit is available to purchase separately either online or through your local Frog Bikes retailer.

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